UPD Mobile is the quintessential mobile application for every member of the UP Diliman community. It provides real time information on news and events around the campus, sourced straight from the administration. It also has a campus map and directory to safeguard all UP Diliman community members from any eventuality.
UPD Mobile is an initiative started by a handful UPD students and professors seeing the need for a unified campus mobile app. Information fed into the application is managed by the UP Diliman offices and admin.
UPD Mobile هو تطبيق المحمول الأساسي لكل عضو في مجتمع UP Diliman. ويوفر معلومات في الوقت الحقيقي عن الأخبار والأحداث في جميع أنحاء الحرم الجامعي ، مصدرها مباشرة من الإدارة. كما أن لديها خريطة حرم جامعي ودليل لحماية جميع أعضاء المجتمع UP Diliman من أي احتمال.
UPD Mobile هو عبارة عن مبادرة بدأها عدد قليل من طلاب وأساتذة UPD الذين يرون الحاجة إلى تطبيق موحّد للهواتف النقالة داخل الحرم الجامعي. تتم إدارة المعلومات التي يتم إدخالها في التطبيق من قِبل مكاتب UP Diliman و admin.
UPD Mobile is the quintessential mobile application for every member of the UP Diliman community. It provides real time information on news and events around the campus, sourced straight from the administration. It also has a campus map and directory to safeguard all UP Diliman community members from any eventuality.
UPD Mobile is an initiative started by a handful UPD students and professors seeing the need for a unified campus mobile app. Information fed into the application is managed by the UP Diliman offices and admin.